Erasmus Plus Funding - Working in Europe

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CPA Connect Abruzzo
Via G Garibaldi 108

+39 0872 43298
+39 347 6448186

European Funding
with Connect Abruzzo, Lanciano Italy.
Being competitive is to be international
Per essere competitivi occorre essere internazionali

Multi-communications and International Experiences for professional development 

Connect Abruzzo has been hosting and working with LLP Program(Leonardo, Grundtvig and Mobility) since 2004 and has developed a Europe wide network of Partners happy to do business with central Italy. On Mobility projects matching the right participant to the right job is the key to our success. Mentoring is an important factor for the general well-being of groups. We strongly believe in empowering people to make them succeed on their path. Our organization has received recognition from 'We mean business' for the work done on different projects.  

Erasmus Plus took off in 2015 and Connect Abruzzo is taking a leading role in maximising opportunities for Italians looking to work abroad and foreign people looking to work in Italy.

Local Companies who have supported one or more participants in their company.
Participants learn important life skills like;  

living and communicating with people
language and cultural skills
perseverance and determination to succeed
relevant work experience
multicultural empathy
marketing themselves for a new career 
Wherever you are in Europe and wherever you want to be in Europe;

Participants welcomed by 
the Mayor of Lanciano on local TV

Short film explaining
what you get from your

The view point from 
participants after their
2 months in Italy
In the News 
with CPA ConnectAbruzzo, Lanciano Italy.

  • Lanciano, sinergia tra Comune e ConnectAbruzzo per fondi europei -MORE-
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  • Progetti europei, incontro a Lanciano con i sindaci dell'Andalusia -MORE-
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  • VIDEO Dall' Inghilterra a Lanciano per uno Stage di alcune settimane -MORE-
  • Lanciano si apre all’Europa con nuovi progetti di formazione -MORE-
  • Erasmus, in arrivo 20 giovanni inglesi -MORE-
  • Arrivano venti stagisti inglesi in municipio e nelle aziende -MORE-
  • VIDEO A Lanciano 55 stagisti con progetti Mobility -MORE-
  • Giornata informativa nazionale "We Mean Business" -MORE-
  • We mean business: ospitare un tirocinante Erasmus o Leonardo conviene -MORE-
  • The We Mean Business National Info Day -MORE-
  • Italian job - work experience project to give youngsters chance of a lifetime -MORE-

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