Working Abroad - Working in Europe

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CPA Connect Abruzzo
Via G Garibaldi 108

+39 0872 43298
+39 347 6448186

Work Experience Placements Abroad
with Connect Abruzzo, Lanciano Italy.
Being competitive is to be international
Per essere competitivi occorre essere internazionali

Work experience placements available in the UK and Italy 

Placements available in the UK are currently located in central England, around Birmingham. A placement in the UK will constitute an important opportunity for your personal and professional development as well as a launch pad for your language ability. 

Placements available in Italy are currently located in central Italy, in the Abruzzo region. For British residents there are currently funds available (2015 - 16)to pay for a two month stay with work experience in Lanciano.

A Placement Abroad is important of your career,   
it is more than improving your language ability, it is an important opportunity for personal and professional growth. Our results since 2004, show that a sustained period abroad offers a concrete advantage against others in the work place, solid training in many skills, thorough language training and improved European integration.
We offer the following to Participants;
Funding (part or full);

Coaching and a Personal Development Plan;
CV Preparation;
2 months work experience in industry abroad;
Transport and accommodation;
Regular monitoring on site and remotely;

In the News 
with CPA ConnectAbruzzo, Lanciano Italy.

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