Objectives based English School since 1998


Abbreviations and Acronyms



@ at
a/c account
AGM annual general meeting
a.m. ante meridiem  (before  noon)
a/o account of  (on behalf of)
AOB any other business
ASAP as soon as possible
ATM automated teller machine (cash dispenser)
attn for the attention of
approx approximately
cc copy to
CEO chief executive officer
c/o care of  (on letters:  at the address of)
Co company
cm centimetre
COD cash on delivery
dept department
e.g. exempli gratia (for example)
EGM extraordinary general meeting
ETA estimated time of arrival
etc et caetera  (and so on)
GDP gross domestic product
GNP gross national product
GMT Greenwich mean time  (time in London)
i.e. id est  (meaning : 'that is')
Inc incorporated
IOU I owe you
IPO initial public offer
Jr junior
K thousand
lb pound (weight)
£ pound (money/currency)